Festival Lent 2018

sobota, 23.06 2018, 10:00



Največji multikulturni in multižanrski poletni festival v tem delu Evrope je veliko več, kot zgolj še en poletni festival!


Je doživetje kulture, druženja, uživanja v preverjenem in odkrivanja novega. 
Doživetje gostoljubja in kulinarike. 
Doživetje živahnega, odprtega in prijaznega mesta, ki devet festivalskih dni in noči vabi na svoje trge in ulice s pisanim sporedom raznovrstnih, a skrbno izbranih doživetij ponuja nešteto priložnosti za trenutke, ki se za vselej zapišejo v spomin.


Festival Lent 2018 se vrača na Dravo! Plavajoči Glavni oder, simbol festivala, bo ponovno gostil nabor prireditev, ki bodo zadostile tudi najzahtevnejšemu okusu. Novi oder bodo krstili baletniki SNG Maribor z baletom Labodje jezero (22. 6.), mojstrovino Petra Iljiča Čajkovskega, ki velja za najbolj priljubljeni beli balet vseh časov in doživeti ga na prostem, na gladini Drave, v kateri se zrcalijo odrske luči, bo nepozabno! Obiskovalci po vsem svetu z enakim navdušenjem opisujejo tudi nastop največjega romskega godalnega korpusa na svetu: simfoničnega orkestra iz Budimpešte – Budapest 100 violin: Romski simfonični orkester (23. 6.). Violinski virtuozi, katerih posebnost je igranje brez not, saj imajo glasbo zapisano v svojih genih, so svetovna atrakcija, ki obljublja enega festivalskih vrhuncev. Enako lahko trdimo za nastop legendarnega Plavi orkestar, ki bo tribune ob velikem odru na noge spravil na večer praznika (25. 6.), nepozabni doživetji na Dravi pa prinašata tudi koncerta prekmurskega trubadurja. Vlado Kreslin, Mali bogovi & Beltinška banda (27. 6.) in panonskega mornarja Đorđe Balašević Unplugged (29. 6.), tokrat v akustični izvedbi, dveh starih prijateljev, ki poslušalce vselej navdušita, s svojo nostalgično melanholijo pa tudi vselej znova ganeta do solz. Do solz pa se bomo tudi nasmejali! Tadej Toš & The Band: Rock'n'roll Freestyle Comedy(28. 6.) bo s svojimi pikrimi kot vselej poskrbel za vihar smeha in z njim razburkal Dravsko gladino. 


V ponovno vrhunskem programu letošnjega festivala velja omeniti še nastope Okustični & Jadranka Juras ● Hamo & Tribute 2 love (22. 6.) in Groovocado ● Katalena (23. 6.) na priljubljenem Jurčkovem odru, legendarnih Pankrtov na Piše se leto (22. 6.), Gorana Bare & Majk (23. 6.), Bad Manners (24. 6.) in Uncla Franka (26. 6.) na Večerovem odru, ter seveda jazzovskih poslastic. Pri teh na prvem mestu omenimo legendarnega soustanovitelja znamenitega Buena Vista Social Cluba, Juana De Marcosa, s svojo zasedbo Afro - Cuban All Stars - Juan de Marcos Afro-Cuban All Stars (27. 6.) – »kdo je kdo« na področju vročih kubanskih ritmov. Švedski kitarski virtuoz, nominiranec za prestižnega grammyja Ulf Wakenius se bo predstavil s korejsko zvezdnico svetovnega formata, vokalistko Youn Sun Nah & Ulf Wakenius (28. 6.). Big Band RTV Slovenija & Marko Črnčec (25. 6.), Mariborčan, ki na noge dviguje New York. Omenimo še Richard Bona Group (26. 6.), ki ga je Los Angeles Times navdušeno primerjal z Joaom Gilbertom, tu pa so še malijski kitarist Vieux Farka Touré (29. 6.), ki ga kritiki laskavo imenujejo kar Hendrix Sahare (morda se ga spominjate z odmevnega otvoritvenega koncerta svetovnega nogometnega prvenstva v Južni Afriki), ter mojstri psihedeličnega soula iz San Francisca, Monophonics(30. 6.). Vsi bodo nastopili na Odru Minoriti, kamor vabijo tudi komedije Županova Micka (22. 6.), Tvoj bodoči bivši mož (23. 6.) in Dekliščina (24. 6.). 


In to še zdaaaaleč ni vse! Na www.festival-lent.si najdete še vse ostale dogodke, ki nas bodo razvajali letos!


Zato odkrivajte in uživajte, preizkusite in okusite, srečajte in delite srečo. LENTAJTE!


ツ VIDEO: https://youtu.be/yW_eTjAP2as 
ツ VEČ: http://www.festival-lent.si


ツ VSTOPNICE: https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/www.eventim.siNarodni dom Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih:
25 € Lenta
15 € Dnevna Lenta
5€-25€ vstopnice za 10 naj festivalskih dogodkov


▶ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2018: http://www.festival-lent.si/novice/novica/program-festivala-lent-2018-pdf/


The largest multicultural and multi-genre summer festival in this part of Europe is much more than just another summer festival! 


It is an experience in culture, get-together, enjoying the known and discovering the new. 
An experience in hospitality and fine cuisine. 
Experience the lively, open and friendly town that brings a colourful programme of diverse and carefully selected events to its squares and streets for a whole nine days (and nights) of pure festival magic. The festival offers plenty of opportunities for memories that will last a lifetime. 


Festival Lent 2018 is back on the Drava river! The floating Main Stage, the symbol of the festival, will again host a wide range of events that will cater to even the most demanding audiences. The new stage will be baptised by the Maribor National Theatre ballet ensemble with The Swan Lake (22 June), the masterpiece by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, known as one of the most popular white ballet performances of all times. Seeing the performance outdoors, on the surface of the Drava river, with stage lights reflecting in the water, will be an unforgettable experience! Audiences all across the world share their enthusiasm also when describing the performance of the largest Roma string ensemble in the world – the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra of 100 violins (23 June). The violin virtuosos, whose speciality is performing without sheet music, as they have music running through their veins, are a world-class attraction and one of the highlights of this year’s festival. The same can be said for the legendary band Plavi orkestar, who will get the bleachers of the Main Stage standing and dancing on the eve of the national holiday (25 June). Highlights will continue with the troubadour from Prekmurje, Vlado Kreslin and his guests (27 June), and the Pannonian sailor Đorđe Balašević (29 June), this year with an unplugged gig. Vlado and Đorđe are old friends who always delight their fans and always bring tears to their eyes with their nostalgic melancholy. There will be more crying – with laughter! Tadej Toš (28 June) will bring his sharp wit to the surface of the Drava river and make us hold our bellies in laughter. 


Other highlights of another exceptional festival programme include a performance by Jadranka Juras (22 June) and Katalena band (23 June) on the popular Jurček Stage, the legendary band Pankrti at the PIŠE SE LETO event (22 June), Goran Bara & Majk (23 June), Bad manners (24 June) and Uncle Frank (26 June) at the Večer Stage, and, as always, jazz treats for true connoisseurs. Allow us to mention Juan De Marcos, the legendary co-founder of the famous Buena Vista Social Club, and his band Afro-Cuban All Stars (27 June) – a ‘who is who’ setup of hot Cuban rhythm experts. The Swedish guitar virtuoso and Grammy award nominee Ulf Wakenius will perform with Korean star singer Youn Sun Nah (28 June). Maribor local Marko Črnčec, who is a true hit in New York City, will present the RTV Slovenija Big Band (25 June). Let us not forget about Richard Bona, the artist the Los Angeles Times compared to Joao Gilberto, guitar player Vieux Farka Toure from Mali (29 June) whom critics call the ‘Hendrix of the Sahara’ (you may remember him from the epic opening concert he gave in the Football World Cup opening ceremony in South Africa), and the masters of psychedelic soul from San Francisco, the Monophonics (30 June). All will appear on the Minoriti Stage, where you are will also be able to see the comedies Županova Micka (22 June), Tvoj bodoči bivši mož (23 June) and Dekliščina (24. 6.). 


And that’s faaaar from all! Visit www.festival-lent.si to check out more events for your viewing and listening pleasure! 


Go and discover, enjoy, test and taste, meet and share happiness. 




ツ VIDEO: https://youtu.be/yW_eTjAP2as 
ツ MORE: www.festival-lent.si


ツ TICKETS: https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/www.eventim.siNarodni dom Maribor and at festival locations: 
25 € Lenta
15 € Daily Lenta
5€ - 25 € tickets for top-10 festival events 


▶ FESTIVAL LENT 2018 PROGRAMME: http://www.festival-lent.si/novice/novica/program-festivala-lent-2018-pdf/






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